Elder abuse is defined as an intentional or negligent action that causes harm or creates a serious risk of harm to an older adult. The most common form of elder abuse is neglect, followed by physical abuse, then financial exploitation. Risk factors include dementia, mental health, and substance abuse issues (in both abusers and victims). Isolation increases the risk. Elder abuse can happen anywhere – in the home, in nursing homes or other facilities – and among all socio-economic groups, cultures, and races.
If your parent seems unusually angry, fearful, anxious, nervous or depressed, if they startle easily, avoid eye contact, or become suddenly apathetic or withdrawn, and these symptoms are new or rapidly worsening, keep your eyes open to see what might be behind these feelings. Here are some signs and symptoms of elder abuse:
Neglect | Physical/Sexual Abuse | Pyscological/Emotional Abuse |
Poor hygiene; cluttered or filthy home | Bruises, black eyes, welts | Uncharacteristic changes in behavior |
Untreated bedsores | Laboratory evidence of drug overdose; lack of medication use | Unexplained withdrawal from normal activities |
Unattended medical needs; lack of medical care | Unexplained withdrawal from normal activities | Sudden changes in alertness |
Person with dementia left unsupervised | Sudden changes in alertness; unusual depression | Caregiver isolates the older adult (won’t let anyone speak to him/her) |
Unusual weight loss | Bruises around breasts or genitals | Caregiver is aggressive, demeaning, or controlling |
Sudden financial changes |
According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, elder financial abuse is the illegal taking, misuse, or concealment of funds, property, or assets of a vulnerable elder at risk for harm by another due to changes in physical functioning, mental functioning or both. Signs of financial abuse or exploitation include: lack of amenities the person could afford, “voluntarily” giving uncharacteristic gifts or reimbursements for care or companionship, the caregiver has control of the person’s money but doesn’t provide for their needs.
If you suspect elder abuse is happening report it to your state authorities at the website listed below.
State | Office | Link | Telephone |
Alabama | Alabama Adult Protective Services | http://dhr.alabama.gov/directory/Adult_Prot_Svcs.aspx | 800-458-7214 |
Alaska | Alaska Adult Protective Services | http://dhss.alaska.gov/dsds/Pages/aps/default.aspx | 907-269-3666 |
Arizona | Arizona Adult Protective Services | https://des.az.gov/services/aging-and-adult/arizona-adult-protective-services-aps | 877-767-2385 |
Arkansas | Arkansas Adult Protective Services | https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/about-dhs/daas/aps | 800-482-8049 |
California | California Adult Protective Services | http://www.cdss.ca.gov/Adult-Protective-Services | 800-677-1116 |
Colorado | Colorado Adult Protective Services | https://www.coloradoaps.com/ | CW |
Connecticut | Connecticut Protective Services for the Elderly | https://portal.ct.gov/DSS/Services/Children-Family-and-Older-Adults | 888-385-4225 |
Delaware | Delaware Adult Protective Services | https://dhss.delaware.gov/dsaapd/aps.html | 800-223-9074 |
Florida | Florida Adult Protective Services | http://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/adult-protective-services | 800-962-2873 |
Georgia | Georgia Adult Protective Services | https://aging.georgia.gov/report-elder-abuse?vgnextoid=018267b27edb0010VgnVCM100000bf01010aRCRD | 888-774-0152 |
Hawaii | Hawaii Adult Protective Services | http://humanservices.hawaii.gov/ssd/home/adult-services/ | 808-832-5115 |
Idaho | Idaho Adult Protective Services | http://www.idahoaging.com/protection/index.html | 800-926-2588 |
Illinois | Illinois Adult Protective Services | https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/protectionadvocacy/pages/abuse.aspx | 866-800-1409 |
Indiana | Indiana Adult Protective Services | https://www.in.gov/fssa/da/3479.htm | 800-992-6978 |
Iowa | Iowa Dependent Adult Abuse Program | https://dhs.iowa.gov/dependent_adult_abuse | 800-362-2178 |
Kansas | Kansas Adult Protective Services | http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/PPS/Pages/APS/AdultProtectiveServices.aspx | 800-922-5330 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Adult Protective Services | https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dcbs/dpp/apb/Pages/default.aspx | 502-564-7043 |
Louisiana | Louisiana Adult Protective Services | http://goea.louisiana.gov/ | 833-577-6532 |
Maine | Maine Adult Protective Services | https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/oads/aps-guardianship/index.html | 800-624-8404 |
Maryland | Maryland Adult Protective Services | http://dhr.maryland.gov/office-of-adult-services/adult-protective-services/ | 800-332-6347 |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Elder Abuse and Protective Services | https://www.mass.gov/report-elder-abuse | 800-922-2275 |
Michigan | Michigan Adult Protective Services | https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73971_7119-15663--,00.html | 855-444-3911 |
Minnesota | Minnesota Adult Protective Services | https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/seniors/services/adult-protection/ | 844-880-1574 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Adult Protective Services | http://www.mdhs.ms.gov/adults-seniors/adult-protective-services/ | 800-222-8000 |
Missouri | Missouri Adult Protective Services | https://health.mo.gov/safety/abuse/ | 800-392-0210 |
Montana | Montana Adult Protective Services | https://dphhs.mt.gov/sltc/aps | 844-277-9300 |
Nebraska | Nebraska Adult Protective Services | http://dhhs.ne.gov/children_family_services/Pages/nea_aps_apsindex.aspx | 800-652-1999 |
Nevada | Nevada Adult Protective Services | http://adsd.nv.gov/Programs/Seniors/EPS/EPS_Prog/ | 888-729-0571 |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Adult Protective Services | https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/beas/adultprotection.htm | 603-271-7014 |
New Jersey | New Jersey Adult Protective Services | https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/doas/home/adultpsp.html | 609-588-6501 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Adult Protective Services | http://www.nmaging.state.nm.us/Adult_ProtectiveServices.aspx | 866-654-3219 |
New York | Bureau of Adult Services of the New York State Office of Children & Family Services | https://ocfs.ny.gov/main/psa/Default.asp | 844-697-3505 |
North Carolina | North Carolina Adult Protective Services | https://www.ncdhhs.gov/assistance/adult-services/adult-protective-services | 919-855-3400 |
North Dakota | North Dakota Adult Protective Services | http://www.nd.gov/dhs/services/adultsaging/vulnerable.html | 855-462-5465 |
Ohio | Ohio Adult Protective Services | http://jfs.ohio.gov/factsheets/APS_FactSheet.pdf | 855-644-6277 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Adult Protective Services | http://www.okdhs.org/services/aps/Pages/default.aspx | 800-522-3511 |
Oregon | Oregon Adult Protective Services | https://www.oregon.gov/dhs/seniors-disabilities/Pages/index.aspx | 855-503-7233 |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Adult Protective Services | https://www.aging.pa.gov/aging-services/Pages/Report-Elder-Abuse.aspx | 800-490-8505 |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Adult Protective Services | http://www.dea.ri.gov/programs/protective_services.php | 401-462-2629 |
South Carolina | South Carolina Adult Protective Services | https://dss.sc.gov/abuseneglect/report-abuse-and-neglect-of-a-vulnerable-adult/ | 803-898-7318 |
South Dakota | South Dakota Adult Protective Services | https://dhs.sd.gov/ltss/adultprotective.aspx | 833-663-9673 |
Tennessee | Tennessee Adult Protective Services | https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/adults/adult-protective-services.html | 888-277-8366 |
Texas | Texas Adult Protective Services | http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Adult_Protection/ | 800-252-5400 |
Utah | Utah Adult Protective Services | https://daas.utah.gov/adult-protective-services/ | 801-538-3567 |
Vermont | Vermont Adult Protective Services | http://dlp.vermont.gov/aps | 802-871-3317 |
Virginia | Virginia Adult Protective Services | http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/as/aps.cgi | 888-832-3858 |
Washington | Washington Adult Protective Services | https://www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa/home-and-community-services/adult-abuse-and-prevention | 866-363-4276 |
West Virginia | West Virginia Adult Protective Services | https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcf/Services/Pages/Adult-Protective-Services.aspx | 800-352-6513 |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Adult Protective Services | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/long-term-care-support/elderly-services/elder-abuse | 608-266-1865 |
Wyoming | Wyoming Adult Protective Services | https://sites.google.com/a/wyo.gov/dfsweb/social-services/adult-protective-services-aps | 307-777-3602 |